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Northwest Science & Technology Online

This issue of Northwest Science & Technology Online was sponsored in part by the University of Washington Office of Research and the Washington Sea Grant Program.

All opinions expressed herein are the view of the authors alone and do not represent the official position or policy of the University of Washington.

Founding Editor:
Deborah L. Illman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Technical Communication
University of Washington (UW)
Box 352195
Seattle, WA 98195-2195

Editorial Assistants:
Stephanie Cartier
Marita Graube
Eric Wagner


Stephanie Cartier is pursuing a master's degree in the University of Washington Department of Technical Communication.

Deborah Chang is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in physical chemistry at the University of Washington.

Colleen Craig is a fifth-year graduate student in theoretical chemistry at the University of Washington.

Joel Dahms has an M.S. in neurobiology and is currently studying science writing at the University of Washington.

Marita Graube has a degree in technical communication from the University of Washington and previously has written articles for NWS&T on photonics [Autumn 2003 cover], energy [Autumn 2002 cover], and biomimetic engineering [Winter 2003], among others.

Kim Gunnerson is pursuing a doctorate in physical chemistry at the University of Washington.

David Lawrence is a research biologist at the University of Washington.

Trina Litchendorf studies oceanography at the University of Washington.

Mausmi Mehta is a Ph.D. candidate in biological oceanography at the University of Washington.

Sara O'Brien obtained a B.S. in animal science and a M.S. in integrative biology from the University of Illinois, and is presently pursuing a doctorate in zoology at the University of Washington studying the neuroendocrine control of reproduction in birds.

Amy Pletcher is pursuing a master's degree in technical communication with a concentration in science news and writing at the University of Washington.

Jen Schripsema earned a B.A. in biology from Colorado College. She is currently pursuing a master's degree in the University of Washington Department of Technical Communication.

Chelsea Stevens is pursing a bachelor's degree in the University of Washington Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

Aaron Stroud is pursuing a master's degree in technical communication at the University of Washington.

Eric Wagner is a graduate student in biology at the University of Washington.

Chris Wentz studied biochemistry and science writing at the University of Washington.

Cherie Winner is a writer with the Washington State University News Service, Pullman.

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