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amplify | to make stronger. A light signal may need to be amplified to travel over long distances.

bandwidth | the amount of information that can be sent over a network in a given period of time. Bandwidth is often stated in bits per second (bps) or kilobits per second (kbps).

diffract | diffraction is the bending and spreading of waves when they meet an obstruction.

digital | a way to represent information using the numbers "1" and "0." electromagnetic radiation | energy in the form of waves including visible light, ultraviolet (UV) light, and infrared (heat) waves.

electromagnetic spectrum | the range of electromagnetic radiation from gamma rays (short wavelength) to radio waves (long wavelength).

fossil fuel | formed in the ground millions of years ago from decayed plants and animals, fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas are used to provide energy.

frequency | wave frequency is the number of times a wave peak passes a point in one second.

light emitting diode (LED) | a device emits visible or infrared light when electricity passes through it. You have probably seen an LED in a digital clock or as an indicator light on a keyboard.

modulator | an optical modulator divides light into two channels, slowing down the speed of light in one channel and then rejoining the light from the two channels together. This process creates the one and zero pulses of light.

molecule | the smallest particle of a substance that has the properties of that material, composed of one or more atoms.

optical | relating to light, vision, or the eye. A lens or mirror is an optical instrument.

oscillate | to move back and forth or up and down.

photon | the smallest unit of light energy.

polymer | a chemical substance consisting of large, chain-like molecules made from many smaller repeating units. Some polymers like nylon and polyester are manufactured. Other polymers like proteins and DNA are naturally occurring.

solar cell | a device used for converting solar energy into electrical energy; also called a photovoltaic cell.

telecommunications | a science that deals with communication at a distance.

visible light | the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is detected by the human eye.

wavelength | the distance between two crests of a wave.

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