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alcid | A bird from the auk family that includes murres, auklets, and razorbills. Due to their generally black-and-white coloration and predilection for fish, they are sometimes known as Penguins of the Northern Hemisphere.

bycatch | The fish and other marine creatures, such as birds or mammals, unintentionally caught during commercial fishing operations while fishing for a different species.

citizen science | Science projects that use public volunteers to collect data

coastal upwelling | The wind-driven process by which deep, nutrient-rich water is brought to the surface of the ocean.

current | A body of water moving in a definite direction, especially through a surrounding body of water in which there is less movement.

environmental indicator | A proverbial 'canary in a coal mine,' or an animal or plant species that can be used to understand what is happening to conditions in a particular habitat or location.

food web | A system of interlocking and interdependent food chains in which, for example, smaller animals eat plants and/or smaller animals, some larger animals eat those smaller animals, and so on. Generally very complex, with multiple connections between animals and plants.

gillnet | A fishing net that is hung vertically in the water so that fish get trapped in it by their gills.

longline fishery | A type of deep-sea fishing gear consisting of a main line up to several miles long anchored to the bottom to which shorter lines with baited hooks are fastened at intervals.

nearshore | The region of the sea or seabed relatively close to a shore.

offshore | Situated at sea some distance from the shore.

protocol | A detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure.

sustainability | Conserving an ecological balance by avoiding depletion of natural resources.

trawl net | A large wide-mouthed fishing net dragged by a vessel along the bottom or in the midwater of the sea or a lake.

tubenose | A bird from the family of seabirds that includes the albatrosses, fulmars, shearwaters, and giant petrels. They are known for their relatively long, slender wings, as well as their ability to fly long distances over the open ocean. The name 'tubenose' refers to a horny appendage that sits on the bill, whose function is to excrete excess salt and enable birds to locate food many miles away.

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